The next step in your website sales arsenal

For any business that has a website, having multiple social media accounts has become mainstream   Even to the point where Google becomes suspicious of the validity of your company site if it doesn't have any. The reason for this suspicion is because of internet...

How to advertise on Youtube (Overview)

In my last post, I explained the huge opportunity with Youtube advertising - how cheap clicks can be, and the relative ease of creating a green screen video.   In a quick recap, I explained that we have all seen Youtube ads at the beginning of a YT video - How...

Advertise for cheap clicks on Youtube

We are all familiar with the old trend advertising on Facebook. First, it was banner ads on the right-hand sidebar, then the new trend was  F.B. news-feed advertising - which is great for promotional video. Although this method can still be effective, the ROI from it...

Moving Animations – A Specialty At WVA

Many entrepreneurs set out to launch a product or service with a certain budget to work with. The most obvious factors are factored into setup costs such as the website, supplies, logistics and time. But all too often, one of the most important factors are left out – An explainer video.

Often forgotten, but quickly realized once the launch doesn’t hit off as expected.


With the budget already stressed, business owners are often left scrambling for what to do next.


WARNING: NEED VIDEO PRODUCTION? AVOID THESE 6 CASH PIT-FALLS! There are ex-TV producers out there who see the growth and potential with online video and are offering their services for this new medium but at BIG TV prices. These producers come from an ‘old school’...

Take Advantage Of The Youtube Annotations Feature

Youtube Annotations are a feature that business owners are failing to take advantage of In case you didn’t know, annotations are pop-up text banners you can set to appear at any point in your video on any part of the screen. The beauty of this tool is that you can...

Animation Effects To Capture An Audiences Attention

With a staggering 300 hours’ worth of video being uploaded to Youtube every minute, savvy business owners realize they need every advantage they can get when trying to get their video to stand out from the crowd. Animation or 'after effects' is a professional way to...